About Me

I started making wreaths in 2014, back when I was a single mom who wanted something to keep busy at night in the quiet hours after my daughter went to bed.  But then friends and family saw my wreaths and were begging me to make one for their home.  So I started a Facebook business page and an Etsy shop.  Annnnnd the extra cash was nice.  :)

In the beginning, I had zero clue what I was doing on Etsy. I treated it like Craigslist – you take a picture wherever you can (no editing), write up some information on it and post it. Done and done. Or so I thought. But no one except friends and family were purchasing. No one else was finding my shop on Etsy. So I started doing some research and testing in my own shop. I hired a few business coaches and really worked on my shop and my business.

Over the past few years, I have figured out what works and what doesn’t on Etsy. I have doubled my orders and revenue every year for the past 3 years. Now I’m sharing everything I’ve learned through Handmade Sellers University.


50% Complete

Two Step

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